
Why Are Computers So dumb? Mbah, a 146 Year-Old Man, Helps Us Understand.

The invention of the modern computer and its many advances since its inception is no doubt among the greatest innovations in human history. It’s hard to believe that only 146 years ago, our ancestors’ primary mode of transportation was horse, train, steamboat, and human feet. The vast majority of people

Heard of BYOD? Get Ready for BYOC!

Bring Your Own Device to work or BYOD is a concept that was first seen in businesses in 2009 when Intel saw its own employees bringing their personal devices to work and using them for business purposes. But it wasn’t until 2011 that it gained popularity among businesses when IT

Never Trust Your Employees With These 3 Things

Trust is essential in any organization. A great employer/employee relationship is based on trust. Modern behavioral science makes the compelling case that trust is one of the cornerstones to effectively motivating employees. In his breakthrough book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, Dan Pink articulates the 3 primary

All that is left is Art

If you aren’t a creator, an artist, or an entertainer, eventually you will be replaced by a machine.   I’m sitting 30,000 feet above the gulf of Mexico in a metal tube traveling through the sky at 500 miles per hour. As Louis C.K. the comedian said so famously, in

Why Facial Recognition Wins

Why do I say facial recognition wins? 3 key reasons.   It is the only human readable biometric modality–which turns out is incredibly important to humans who buy and use biometric systems Ubiquity of visible light cameras The perfect equilibrium of security and convenience Allow me to explain.   A

Deep Learning – So Simple, It’s Profound

Deep Learning – So Simple, it’s Stupid Have you heard the term “deep learning” and wondered what it means? The answer is so simple, it’s almost counter intuitive. Deep learning is more like teaching a 4-year old to read than solving a math problem. For those of us most familiar with the