Janitorial & Industrial Cleaning

Track Data Anywhere

Time tracking software that moves with you

Findd’s features ensure that tracking and data move seamlessly with your workforce, adapting to their needs wherever they go. 

Our solutions are designed to enhance operational flexibility and productivity, empowering your business to effectively manage its workforce regardless of location.

Gain Valuable Insights

Real-time updates & connectivity

Shedding light on your workforce and their habits involves gaining deep insights into how your employees operate and perform. By leveraging data with Findd, businesses can uncover valuable information about employee behaviors, such as peak performance times, task completion rates, and areas needing improvement.

Ensure workers report to accurate areas

Ensure workers report to accurate areas by implementing precise geofencing and location-based technologies.

Track trends throughout job sites

Track trends throughout job sites using advanced data analytics and real-time monitoring capabilities.

Allocate staffing resources

Correctly allocating staff is crucial for optimizing productivity and ensuring efficient resource utilization across all operational tasks.

Accurate time tracking & Reporting

Utilize mobile clock mode for workers on the go

Mobile Clock Mode/Individual Mode in Findd facilitates seamless transitions for workers moving between job sites, leveraging geofencing technology to ensure accurate time tracking and location-based reporting.

Promote Responsible Practices

Enforce compliance guidelines

By utilizing advanced technologies for age verification, such as biometric facial recognition, Findd can help you keep track of your workforce compliance. This mitigates legal risks but also promotes responsible practices, enhancing industry compliance. 

Client case study

Fayette Industrial

Fayette has more than 15 years of experience outsourcing food plant sanitation & cleaning services and is considered a market leader. Fayette has a unique and extensive array of contract cleaning solutions, encompassing the entire manufacturing process.

The challenge

Fayette screens and hires unskilled labor from all walks of life. Historically this labor pool has presented challenges when reviewing and certifying documentation regarding work status and age. Fayette was challenged by the DOL, audited and fined for complications with underage workers circumventing the checks and balances that were in place, even after contracting with 3rd party law firm to solidify the process.

The Findd solution

Enter Findd. Because we have biometrics on every applicant and employee, we developed an AI-based screening that pre-determines a person’s likely age, and whether it supports the age that has been presented, BEFORE they are put to work.

Business impact

Expand Staff Effortlessly

Onboarding is always easy

Quick onboarding through an SMS-based approach expedites the integration of new employees, so you can expand your staff to accommodate seasonal or temporary needs. 
We make the hard things seem easy.


Collective bargaining is the process in which working people, through their unions, negotiate contracts with their employers to determine their terms of employment, including pay, benefits, hours, leave, job health and safety policies, ways to balance work and family, and more. And when they agree, they write it down in a Collective Bargaining Agreement or “CBA”. These often outline seniority rules, juniority rules, and other factors to create “fairness” in the workplace. These rules have traditionally been difficult to automate; until now. With FinddScriptTM, we can fully automate and enforce even the most complex punch rules, helping unions, their members and their employers come together even better.

1,000s of customers are

Using Findd & loving it

Take your workforce to a whole new level

Actively engage frontline workers at a whole new level with Findd:
People. Driven. Performance.