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Use Findd’s free time fraud calculator and free time calculator.

Calculate Annual Loss

Time fraud calculator

Did you know many employees will estimate their time slightly in their favor each time they punch in or out from work? This time theft can add up quickly.

According to Software Advice, 43% of employees fudge their in and out times. This could grow to as high as 7% of your gross annual payroll. Additionally, if you aren’t using biometric timeclocks you could be losing even more due to buddy punching.

Use the below time theft calculator to see what you may be losing annually through time theft and buddy punching.

Considering the number of employees, the average wage of these employees, and the average number of days worked each year, the calculator will compute how much you may be losing annually toward time theft and buddy punching.

calculate weekly overtime

Free timecard calculator

Use this free and simple-to-use basic employee online timecard calculator. Enter daily time and the calculator will automatically calculate weekly overtime based on a 40-hour work week.

Need an advanced timecard system? Use Findd’s fully-featured time and attendance system for free. Allow your employees to install a time clock on their phones and punch in and punch out using mobile facial recognition biometrics. 

Thousands of employees use Findd’s revolutionary mobile biometrics to punch in and out of work, submit leave, review their schedules, and allow administrators to prep for payroll. Findd is used by small companies with only a handful of employees as well as some of the largest employers in the world.

More than just time tracking, Findd provides biometric time tracking on any smartphone, any tablet without the need for a connection.

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Actively engage frontline workers at a whole new level with Findd:
People. Driven. Performance.